NAPE - Not Another Policy Engine Help

What NAPE Does

NAPE is an Assurance Engine which verifies that, "You are doing, or have done, what you said you would, or should, do." It is piece of technology that allows one to objectively codify the criteria required to automate an Assurance Engagement. NAPE bakes in the audit and assurance domain concepts and approaches as defined by:

NAPE is a tool, leveraging a common approach, which helps to provide and objective assessment that you are keeping up with the promises you make to others.

Doing What You're Supposed to Do

In governance and compliance, two big questions often get mixed up: “Am I doing what I said I would do?” and “Is what I’m doing the best thing to do?”

NAPE focuses on the first question: “ Am I doing what I said I would do?”. It uses clear and common way to check if teams are following their own rules and promises, so they can always be ready for an audit. An audit usually looks at the second question, checking if what was done is the best or correct action.

By keeping these two ideas separate, NAPE helps organizations achieve 24/7 audit readiness. It also lowers the cost of ongoing checks by automating the process, so there is no need for extra manual work each time.

With NAPE, organizations can easily show that they are doing what they promised to do.

Last modified: 27 September 2024