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Types of Assurance Procedures

There are two fundamental "things" to provide assurance procedures for: Processes, Configuration & Calibration. Assurance Procedures may be created to verify that a process executes to expectation, or the configuration or calibration of a tool or system achieves expectation.

  • Process Assurance is verifying that some process, and the things outputs the process creates, obtain a specific outcomes.

  • Configuration & Calibration Assurance is verifying that the settings of something you use, as a tool or implement, are in fact the expected settings.

Process Assurance

A Business process is a series of activities and actions which are sequenced in such a way that they take some input and process this input to achieve an expected outcome.

Configuration & Calibration Assurance

Provide some background and context, explain choices and alternatives.

Last modified: 04 September 2024